Rabu, 09 Juni 2010


Messenger of Allah said: "My fellow Muslims brothers. Therefore, do not persecute and silence. Anyone who watched the interests of his brother, God will take notice. Anyone who vacate a difficult fellow Muslims, Allah will relieve one of some difficulty on difficulty Day of Judgement. Who is covered kejelakan a Muslim God will cover kejelekannya on doomsday. " (HR.Bukhari and Muslim)

Sisters of mercy of Allah SWT ...

2 Muharam 1430 H is a new year full of blood for the citizens of Gaza. Thousands of lives on the edge of death, a woman weeping bitterly, and groaning in pain the children formations pushed toward the sky. Gaza has been that morning like doomsday, the blood flowing everywhere. ringing boom and fighter jets to bombard the Israeli Zionist martyr out the country without mercy know. Hospitals, military office, warehouse medicines sold out live rubble. hospitals are no longer able to accommodate the victims.

Turbulent Islamic world back to action reverberated around the world, appeal to the Zionist Jews to depart from the holy land of Palestine. But an irony when the tears and blood flowing in Gaza, while Arab leaders remained silent, silent union of nations, the superpowers do not have fangs and clap one hand, while Israel continues to demolish the senseless and muster all weapons to this day.

Chairman of World Association of Scholars, Shaykh Yusuf has also issued a fatwa Qardhawi syar'i is obligatory to help our brothers in Palestine. Joseph Qardhawi regard aid as a liability (fardhu) upon the Muslims.
Sisters of mercy of God Almighty, we hereby would like to invite Mr & Mrs to share love with our brothers in Palestine there.

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